Thursday, January 7, 2010

The Olympics: A World United, A Population Annoyed. No big deal.

The 2010 Olympics commercial ("The Best of Us") presents a colourful picture of unity, bringing all ends of the world together in the spirit of athleticism... and competition. Just to clarify:
u-ni-ty: the state of being one; oneness
com-pe-ti-tion: the act of competing; rival for supremacy
I find this amusing.
Thank you

I couldn't help but notice how the commercial depicted the fate of the rest of the population; those who are not involved in the Olympics and, in turn, will be negatively effected by the events. I've taken a few snapshots of the commercial to illustrate this:

The destruction of land and monuments and the Olympian foot that monopolizes the road, making traffic halt and disrupting routines is an honest portrayal of how some commoners may feel. Specifically, those who are not affiliated with the Olympic Committee or are not a competing athlete will feel the forceful colossal hand of the O.C. I am not saying I do not enjoy the Games, but I am the first to state that I am against having them in my city and I thank the Olympic Committee for doing a fabulous job illustrating why.


  1. Freakin brilliant. Where did you get these pics? Maybe you could embed the video so we can see the Olympic Godzilla in action.

  2. Thanks! I actually found the commercial online and took print screen images, no big deal.

    Embedding the video is a good tip, too! I'll see what I can do.
